Robert Jenrick – 2021 Comments on the Welcome Back Fund
The comments made by Robert Jenrick, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, on 20 March 2021.
As we move to the next stage on the roadmap out of lockdown we are all looking forward to being reunited with friends and family outdoors and making a safe and happy return to our favourite shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants.
Our Welcome Back Fund gives every city, town and high street support to prepare for a great summer. This funding will help councils and businesses to welcome shoppers, diners and tourists back safely.
As soon as the roadmap allows, we need to get behind our local businesses and enjoy all that this country has to offer and that we’ve been missing so much.
I’m allowing every pub in the country to erect a marquee in their garden for the whole summer as a one-off power to support our locals.