Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with defenders in Mariupol – The war has been going on for eight years, and Ukraine has become just as many times stronger

The press release issued by the President of Ukraine on 16 February 2022.

In Mariupol, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with servicemen and law enforcement officers who defend Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The event was also attended by diplomatic representatives of foreign countries.

“Dear defenders of our Ukrainian borders and peace on our land. You are real heroes! Dear ambassadors, diplomats, leaders of international organizations who remain with us today on Ukrainian land despite the situation near our borders. You are real friends! Dear soldiers who are now looking at us from the sky, as they gave lives for their native land. You are with us. You are real legends! Dear doctors, volunteers, chaplains who treat, help and pray for our soldiers! Dear journalists who saved their faces and did not spread panic! Dear citizens who have kept a cool head! Dear politicians who, for the sake of national security, were able to become statesmen, not runaways. Dear great Ukrainian people! I congratulate everyone on the holiday – Unity Day! I am grateful to everyone who defends the Homeland! Who stands and will stand for it! Who is faithful to the oath and faithful to Ukraine,” the President said.

The President stressed that there is nothing to be afraid of with such people, and the country is ready to overcome any threats, political and military pressure.

“We are not afraid of any predictions, we are not afraid of any people, any enemies. We are not afraid of any dates, because we will defend ourselves on February 16, 17, March and April, September and December – days and months are not important. The year is important: this is 2022, not 2014. This is an important difference. The war has been going on for eight years. We have become just as many times stronger. Without you there would be no state! Without you, this land would not exist. There will be no freedom on this land! The future is not interesting without you,” he stressed.

The President noted the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainian diplomats, volunteers and the national resistance forces of the whole country, which inspire to defend their land, not to give in to provocations and “overcome the path to a peaceful and united Ukraine.”

“We are paving the way together. And only together we will build a peaceful and happy Ukraine! It is a great honor to be the President of such people, of such a state on such a day – the Day of Unity of the Great People of Great Ukraine,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed.

He also presented state awards to servicemen.