PRESS RELEASE : Universal Periodic Review 47 – UK Statement on Ethiopia [December 2024]
The press release issued by the Foreign Office on 12 December 2024.
Statement by the UK at Ethiopia’s Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Thank you, Mr President,
We welcome the delegation from Ethiopia, led by Ministry of Justice State Minister, Belayihun Yirga Kifle. We welcome their election to the Human Rights Council.
The UK recognises the government of Ethiopia’s recent progress through the Transitional Justice policy and implementation roadmap, and we welcome the commencement of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration programme.
However, it is clear that ongoing conflicts since the last review threaten progress on human rights.
We recommend the government of Ethiopia:
- Ensures that all perpetrators of human rights violations and abuses are held to account;
- Ensures too that the implementation of laws during a state of emergency is consistent with Ethiopia’s obligations under international human rights law; and
- Resolves all internal conflicts in Ethiopia, with the most impact on human rights, through commitment to genuine political processes.
Thank you.