Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Universal Periodic Review 46 – UK Statement on Cambodia [May 2024]

The press release issued by the Foreign Office on 8 May 2024.

Statement from the UK at Cambodia’s Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Thank you, Madame Vice President.

The UK recognises Cambodia’s progress on social and cultural rights, including its commitment to social protection, climate change, education, and healthcare.

But we are concerned by increasing restrictions on civil and political rights, particularly the use of the judicial system to restrict independent media and opposition voices.

The UK welcomes steps taken by Cambodia to tackle online scamming, but we remain concerned by the inconsistent application of law enforcement.

We recommend that Cambodia:

Take steps to protect indigenous people’s rights in the implementation of economic land concessions and planned hydro-power dam construction, including through meaningful prior consultation; coherent resettlement schemes, and adequate compensation.

Introduce and amend existing legislation to recognise marriage equality for same sex couples.

Strengthen civil society participation and freedom of expression by repealing decisions to block independent media websites and by conducting meaningful civil society consultation on proposed legislative changes.

Thank you.