Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : UN Human Rights Council 57 – UK Statement for Item 4 General Debate [September 2024]

The press release issued by the Foreign Office on 24 September 2024.

Item 4: General Debate on the human rights situations that require the Council’s attention. Delivered by the UK’s Permanent Representative to the WTO & UN, Simon Manley.

Mr President,

Upholding the international rule of law lies at the heart of this Council, and we must call out violations wherever they occur.

The situation in Afghanistan is intolerable. The Taliban are imposing draconian controls on women and girls.

In Iran, executions have surged. Women, girls and minority groups face repression. Journalists are silenced. The Fact-Finding Mission has said violations against protestors amount to crimes against humanity. Accountability for these violations is essential.

We are of course deeply concerned over escalating human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza, including the rights to life, health and free movement. We call for an immediate ceasefire, release of all hostages and protection of civilians.

In Xinjiang, we echo the statement made earlier by the US, while in Hong Kong, we call on the authorities to end politically motivated prosecutions, immediately release Jimmy Lai and cease attempts to apply Hong Kong law extra-territorially, including to individuals in the UK. China must uphold its human rights obligations.

Reports of continuing Russian atrocities against Ukrainians are horrifying – not least the systematic and widespread use of torture against detainees. There must be no impunity. The rule of law must prevail.