Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : UK and French Justice Ministers united in support for Ukraine [June 2023]

The press release issued by the Foreign Office on 19 June 2023.

UK Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary, Alex Chalk was in Paris today (19 June 2023) to meet French Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti.

  • Lord Chancellor Alex Chalk met with French Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti
  • Discussed joint priorities including support for International Criminal Court and Ukraine ahead of next month’s G7 meeting
  • Justice Secretary to also meet legal firms and representatives to promote British and French joint legal services

The pair discussed shared priorities including their ongoing commitment to Ukraine and how to ensure there is accountability for Russian atrocities.

It follows an international Justice Ministers’ conference held in London earlier this year to boost support for the International Criminal Court’s vital investigations into war crimes.

Over 40 nations were represented at the conference in March, hosted by the UK and the Netherlands, with over £4 million announced in support of the International Criminal Court, including a £1 million contribution from the UK to support of the most vulnerable witnesses and victims of war crimes.

The support of over 50 national experts, including a number from France, has been offered to the Court – bringing their specialist knowledge in policing, forensics, and conflict-related sexual violence as well as crimes against children.

Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary, Alex Chalk, said:

The UK and France hold many shared values and we discussed how we can work together to help the International Criminal Court bring war criminals to justice.

In close cooperation with our allies, we will continue to condemn in the strongest terms Russia’s aggression and help hold those responsible to account.

While in Paris, the Lord Chancellor also met a number of legal firms and representatives to further promote British legal services internationally.

It builds on the ‘GREAT Legal Services campaign’, dedicated to building the UK’s profile overseas and expanding our global networks.

The meeting comes ahead of next month’s G7 Justice Ministers’ Meeting, hosted in Japan, where countries will determine how to assist Ukraine’s rebuilding efforts in the fields of law and justice.