Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : The Labour Government need to support schools facing staffing pressures, say Welsh Conservatives [November 2022]

The press release issued by the Welsh Conservatives on 8 November 2022.

According to a NAHT union survey of 670 schools, pressures on school budgets could mean significant staff cuts across Wales.

Commenting, Welsh Conservative Shadow Education Minister, Laura Anne Jones MS said:

“Schools in Wales need proper support from the Labour Government, sorely lacking at present. School budgets are stretched enough from ever increasing demands on them from the Welsh Government, with no or little money to follow those directives.

“Wales has already seen a 10% fall in teacher numbers since 2011, which represents 4,000 fewer teachers despite there being 7,000 more students. Further staff cuts would add to the growing pressures faced by schools and would be a kick in the teeth to teachers, having worked hard and done so well during the Covid pandemic.

“Labour have critically underfunded education in Wales for too long. They hold the levers of power, with education devolved, they have no one to blame but themselves.”

The majority of schools in Wales report that they will have to make redundancies next year:

More than a third (38%) of schools say they will go into deficit this year, unless they make further cuts.

Just 5% of schools say they will be able to pay their costs next academic year (23-24) without going into deficit – meaning more than 9 in 10 schools won’t be able to balance their budgets without drastic action.

Around three quarters (73%) say they will have to make teaching assistants redundant or reduce their hours

More than half (61%) say they are looking at reducing the number of teachers or teaching hours

Close to half (48%) of schools said they would be forced to reduce non-educational support and services for children next year. This means cutting back on vital services such as counselling, therapy and mental health support.

Over half (56%) said they would have to reduce spending on additional targeted interventions for pupils requiring additional support. This means pupils needing extra help or those with ALN may not get the support they need.