PRESS RELEASE : Media Advisory Notice – The fatal police shooting of Chris Kaba [September 2022]
The press release issued by the Attorney General on 29 September 2022.
The Attorney General confirms the requirement not to publish material which could prejudice ongoing criminal investigations and potential prosecutions.
Following the fatal police shooting of Chris Kaba on 05 September 2022 a homicide investigation has commenced in respect of the officer who fired the fatal shot.
HM Attorney General, the Rt Hon Michael Ellis KC MP, wishes to amplify the importance of not publishing any material where there is a risk that it could prejudice any ongoing criminal investigation or potential prosecution. Publishing this material could amount to contempt of court.
Editors, publishers and social media users should take legal advice to ensure they are in a position to fully comply with the obligations to which they are subject under both the common law and statutory regimes in relation to publications.