PRESS RELEASE : HRC52 – UK Statement on Nicaragua [March 2023]
The press release issued by the Foreign Office on 3 March 2023.
During the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council, Rita French, the UK’s Human Rights Ambassador, delivered a statement on the situation in Nicaragua.
Thank you, Assistant Secretary-General for your update on the human rights situation in Nicaragua.
The deterioration of human rights in Nicaragua is of great concern. The climate of repression has led to shrinking space for freedom of expression and an independent media, as well as restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly. Last November, I had the opportunity to hear first-hand from those forced into exile in Costa Rica. Reports of further harassment and arbitrary detention, represent an unacceptable degradation of Nicaraguans’ civil, political and other human rights.
Whilst the release of 222 political prisoners in February is welcomed, the Nicaraguan government decision to expel these individuals and strip them of their Nicaraguan nationality is concerning. We also call for the release of all other political prisoners.
Free and fair elections offering real choice are a necessary foundation of any stable, healthy democracy. Municipal elections in Nicaragua on 6 November 2022 were not free, fair or credible as confirmed by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, which noted the absence of an independent electoral system and the continued violation of the rights of those identified as ‘opposition’ politicians.
Assistant Secretary-General,
We would welcome your views on how we can protect democratic opposition and human rights defenders from further persecution?
Thank you.