PRESS RELEASE : Greens call for General Election after Truss resigns as Prime Minister [October 2022]
The press release issued by the Green Party on 20 October 2022.
Responding to the end of Liz Truss’ short time as Prime Minister, Green Party co–leader Carla Denyer said:
“The Tory chaos has spiralled beyond any pretence that the country has a viable government.
“It is reckless for the Tories to claim that they can replace Liz Truss with any leader capable of commanding authority, nationally or internationally.
“The Tories want to impose Austerity 2.0 with no electoral mandate. That means more cuts to vital public services and more suffering for people across the country.
“The government simply cannot govern – it is unfit for office.
“We need a General Election now so people can vote for the policies they want to see that will turn this mess around.
“The Green Party will always stand for a fairer, greener country. We believe the way out of this crisis is to do the opposite of what the government has done – to reduce inequality rather than making it worse, through progressive taxation, including a Wealth Tax, and windfall taxes on the companies making super profits during this cost-of-living crisis.
“We would use the money to invest in a nationwide insulation programme to make sure people can afford to keep their homes warm, reduce inequality by ensuring that those with the deepest pockets help fund proper public services for all, and fund the beginnings of a just transition to a sustainable economy that protects the people and planet.
“It is time for the people to be given their chance to decide on the country’s future.”