Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Change of His Majesty’s Ambassador to Madagascar – Patrick Lynch [May 2024]

The press release issued by the Foreign Office on 7 May 2024.

Mr Patrick Lynch has been appointed His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Madagascar in succession to Mr David Ashley.

Mr Patrick Lynch has been appointed His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Madagascar in succession to Mr David Ashley who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Lynch will take up his appointment during August 2024.

Curriculum vitae

Full name: Patrick Martin Lynch

Year Role
2019 to 2023 Victoria, British High Commissioner
2016 to 2019 Washington DC, Head of US Office of Hedayah, Intergovernmental Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism
2013 to 2016 Abu Dhabi, Director of Capacity Building Programmes, Hedayah, Intergovernmental Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism
2012 to 2013 Northern Ireland Office, Head of Community Engagement Strategy
2010 to 2012 Northern Ireland Office, Head of Political Affairs Unit
2008 to 2010 Kabul, First Secretary – Criminal Justice
2006 to 2008 Northern Ireland Office, Head of Human Rights and Equality Unit
2003 to 2006 Northern Ireland Office, Policy Officer, Policing Reforms Division
2001 to 2003 Belfast, Mediation Northern Ireland, Mediation Practitioner and Trainer