Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Can Labour clean up Gwent Police? [November 2022]

The press release issued by the Welsh Conservatives on 22 November 2022.

The Leader of the Welsh Conservatives asked the Labour Government in Cardiff Bay if it has confidence in Gwent’s Police and Crime Commissioner to investigate and act on a recent scandal.

In FMQs today, Andrew RT Davies MS questioned minister Lesley Griffiths on whether Mark Drakeford – who is away watching football in Qatar – and his colleagues trust PCC Jeff Cuthbert to address serious concerns surrounding the Force after the Sunday Times reported a culture of racism, misogyny, homophobia, and corruption.

Commenting afterwards, the Leader of the Opposition said:

“Like the poor family who suffered at the hands of Ricky Jones, I have no confidence in the senior management of Gwent Police, and it is appalling that such a disgusting culture was allowed to metastasise among a previously trusted Welsh public service.

“33 women a week face domestic violence or fear for their life or injury, yet Gwent Police fostered this dangerous environment all the under the leadership of a Police and Crime Commissioner who seems to be asleep at the wheel.

“I am quite disappointed that the minister was unable to confirm whether or not the Labour Government think there should be a national public inquiry – surely this is not an issue someone can be neutral on.

“What people across South-east Wales need is trust in their police and leadership from those elected to positions of influence to get a grip on the situation to ruthlessly root out bad actors from public service and transparently impose positive change.”

A seemingly respected officer who retired from Gwent Police in 2017 killed himself three years later. The force said Ricky Jones was due to restart work for them on the day he took his own life. But his widow and daughter have since said he was controlling and abusive who have now said they have no trust in the police.

This Friday marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.