News Story

NEWS STORY : Haringey Council Leader Defends Changing of Street Name


Peray Ahmet, the Labour leader of Haringey Council has defended renaming Black Boy Lane in the borough with the new name of La Rose Lane following vandalism of new signage. After the signage was repaired by the council a new large sign with the street’s old name was placed above the council’s new sign. Ahmet said in a statement:

“Now is the time to move forward and come together to honour the legacy of John La Rose and the many other black residents who have made such a huge contribution in the borough. I fully understand that this is a decision that has generated passionate responses and our Corporate Committee took those full range of views into consideration when deciding to change the name of the road”.

Robert Poll, the founder of Save our Statues had said that £180,000 had been spent on the renaming, adding:

“This move is representative of the current impulse to hunt out racism and offence where there is none as a performative display of virtuousness”.

An investigation by Full Fact found that the expected cost of the name change was likely to be less than £100,000, but earlier estimates published by Haringey Council had been higher and did approach £180,000.


Councillor Database – Peray Ahmet


BBC News Story

Devon Live – Exeter Council Refuses to Rename Blackboy Road

Haringey Council – Decision and Background of Changing Road Name

Full Fact – Investigation into Cost