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NEWS STORY : Guardian Newspaper Publishes Further Allegations about the Personal Conduct of Michelle Mone


The Guardian Newspaper has alleged that Michelle Mone was involved with PPE Medpro despite her firm denials that she wasn’t, including using a solicitor to threaten the newspaper. Mone, who took leave from the House of Lords in December 2022 following a series of serious allegations about her personal conduct, has refused to comment on the latest allegations from the Guardian.

The Guardian reported on her and her husband Douglas Barrowman:

“A representative of Barrowman told the Guardian that the Isle of Man-based businessman was an investor in PPE Medpro, and chaired and led the operation to supply personal protective equipment. The admissions raise questions about years of denials from the couple. Until now, Mone and Barrowman have consistently and emphatically denied to the Guardian, via lawyers, that they were involved in the company.”

The Guardian was previously told by Mone’s solicitors that any allegation that Mone was involved with PPE Medpro was “inaccurate, misleading and defamatory”. Mone has refused to comment on the latest allegations, as the Government continues with a £122 million claim against the company for providing inadequate products. The National Crime Agency is also continuing its investigations into PPE Medpro.


House of Lords Commissioners Statement on the Personal Conduct of Michelle Mone


Guardian News Story