NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 9 May 1924
9 MAY 1924
The Government of India (Leave of Absence) Bill, which empowers the Secretary of State to grant leave of absence to the Governor General, was read a second time in the House of Lords.
A vote of £7 million for dockyards at home and abroad was discussed in the House of Commons, and the question of the redundancy of some existing establishments referred to, the Government being urged to investigate the question.
Winston Churchill, addressing Liverpool Conservatives, declared that today the great need was for unity in resistance to the spreading of subversive Socialist doctrines. He condemned the Budget as Mid-Victorian and a death blow to social reforms.
David Lloyd George, the former Prime Minister, addressed a letter to the press correcting Winston Churchill’s statement that he had promised “whole-hearted support” to a Unionist Government, and pointing out that, as a condition of support, he stipulated certain policies, which, he holds, were not thereafter pursued.