100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 9 January 1925

9 JANUARY 1925

Private conversations took place in Paris between Mr Churchill, Colonel Logan, and M. Clementel on various questions connected with war claims. A plenary sitting of the Allied Finance Conference afterwards took place. There is hope of agreement on the main questions before the Conference.

Dr Marx has been asked by the President of the Reich to form a Government as speedily as possible. If he has difficulty in filling the posts Dr Marx will fill them with Under Secretaries.

In a letter to the Naval Committee of the House of Representatives, Mr Hughes, Secretary of State, expressed the view that the elevation of guns in American capital ships would not constitute a violation of the Washington Treaty, although such action might have an unfortunate effect in tending to promote competition in naval armaments.

In a letter to the Postmaster-General, the Union of Post Office Workers states the grounds on which it asks that a joint committee be formed to go into the new wage claim of the Union in respect of all grades of the service.

At the sitting of the Royal Commission on Food Prices the question of cold storage in Britain was raised, and it was contended that the present London rates were a great tax on the meat business.

An Egyptian who has given himself up to the police is expected to prove of considerable assistance in connection with certain lines of inquiry now being followed up for the murderers of the Sirdar.