NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 8 January 1925
8 JANUARY 1925
The Conference of Allied Finance Ministers was opened at Paris. Replying to a speech of welcome by M. Clementel, Mr Winston Churchill emphasised the limited and technical character of the work ahead. Important as
were the issues involved in the Conference, they were not issues comparable with those settled at many previous inter-Allied gatherings. The interest of the Conference lay in the prospect opened out in London of sure and
reasonable advance towards a better state of things in Europe. The discussion would be complicated, and the interests were conflicting; but above and beyond the special claims of any Power represented stood the need for
harmony in mood and for simplicity in method.
The German reply to the Allied Note on the evacuation of Cologne complains of the hardship of the occupation, and insists on her military weakness. The Note further declares that if the Allied Governments in their further dealing with the question of evacuation as well as of disarmament would be guided by the spirit shown at the London Conference, it would be possible to come to a speedy settlement.
A declaration of Liberal principles and aims to be submitted for approval of the forthcoming party Convention has been issued.
Sir Philip Proctor, giving evidence before the Royal Commission on Food Prices, stated that of the nation’s total consumption of meat 27 per cent. was mutton and 73 per cent. beef.