100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 7 January 1925

7 JANUARY 1925

The German Government, in a Note to the Allies protesting against the continued occupation of Cologne, maintains that Germany, in the main, has fulfilled her disarmament obligations. The reply rejects the allegations made by the Allies.

Winston Churchill arrived in Paris for the opening of the Allied Finance Ministers’ Conference to-day. It is hoped to reach a settlement of the war claims question, but there is reason to believe that the United States delegation is prepared to reject summarily any attempt to secure better terms than America is prepared to draft.

Zaghlul Pasha in an interview said he considered that a Republic would not only be unsuitable, but would be bad generally for Egypt. He expresses confidence in victory at the elections, the legality of which, nevertheless, he declared his intention to challenge, although it might mean going to the polls again. Sidky Pasha, Minister of the Interior, replying to the Nationalist leader’s declaration, smiled at Zaghlul’s constitutional pose. The elections, he said, were proceeding as they should proceed–free from intimidation and pressure.

Signor Mussolini’s Cabinet has been reconstructed and, with one exception, consists entirely of Fascisti.

In a collision between two trains near Beaubassin, Mauritius, several passengers were killed and some fifty passengers injured.