NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 7 February 1925
The “American delegation has withdrawn from the second Opium Conference at Geneva, stating in a memorandum that the difficulties encountered make it clear that the purpose for which the Conference was called cannot be accomplished.
The Turkish Government’s reply to the Greek Note of protest against the expulsion of Mgr. Constantine rejects the suggested reference of the dispute to the Hague Court, and insists that the question is a purely internal one.
The Duchess d’Alpuferi was fired at in Paris by one of her former tenants, a farmer named Danre, and wounded. The man was taken in custody.
A meeting of the Executive of the N.U.R., hurriedly called to consider the railway deadlock, lasted all day, without a decision being reached.
Professor Grierson, speaking at the annual dinner of the Aberdeen University Edinburgh Association–at which the principal guest was Professor Mackintosh, Aberdeen–complained that the entrance of women into the University had introduced an element of distraction.