100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 5 June 1924

5 JUNE 1924

Ramsay MacDonald, the Prime Minister, stated in the House of Commons that he would be in a position to announce the name of the Chairman of the Irish Boundary Commission today. The Government would ask the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to advise them as to their legal and constitutional power to constitute the Commission. The Lord Chancellor was anxious to include on the Privy Council Tribunal distinguished Dominion Judges. Australia’s Chief Justice had consented to serve.

Further debate took place in the House of Commons on the Government’s housing proposals. Neville Chamberlain, the Minister of Health in the previous Government, replied to Mr Wheatley’s speech in the House on Tuesday.

In the House of Lords, attention was called to the performance by bucking horses at Wembley, and the hope was expressed on behalf of the Government that proper facilities would be afforded to inspectors of the RSPCA for examination, both with regards to the tests and the animals themselves.

Paul Painlevé was elected President of the French Chamber of Deputies.

Leon Trotsky, in a speech at Podolsk, stated that Russia needed the Straits and Constantinople.