100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 5 January 1925

5 JANUARY 1925

Benito Mussolini made a speech in the Italian Chamber which has been received with great enthusiasm in Fascist quarters. He said that the Government was strong enough to break completely what he called the Aventino sedition. Fascist demonstrations have been held in Italian cities.

The principal topic before the Cabinet to-day will be the Allied Financial Conference in Paris. While the British view is that a separate conference should be called to deal with war debts, it is not doubted that the question will receive considerable attention. The contents of M. Clementel’s memorandum to Mr Myron Herrick, the American Ambassador, have been carefully guarded, but the document, it is presumed, recites French claims to special consideration by her late Allies.

The Allied Note to Germany on the subject of the evacuation of Cologne will be handed to the German Government to-day by the British Ambassador. It is intended to publish the text tomorrow.

A Berlin telegram states that President Ebert has ordered Dr Marx to form a non-political Cabinet.

The notorious German Communist, Ruth Fischer, was arrested in Vienna.