100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 5 February 1925


The draft of the British reply to the Clementel memorandum, which latter asked for a declaration of British policy with regard to inter-Allied debts, has been passed by the Cabinet. Broadly speaking, the Note will reaffirm the Government’s adherence to the policy of the Balfour Note.

With reference to the presence of two undesirable Turkish experts—said to be ex-convicts—with the Turkish delegation on the Commission of Inquiry into the Mosul boundary question, a protest signed by Mr. Austen Chamberlain has been addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations.

Our special representative on board the Rotor ship Buckau states that with favourable weather the vessel will likely leave Danzig this evening for Leith.

No immediate crisis is expected to arise in connection with the railwaymen’s dispute, and it is thought the respective claims will be referred to the Wages Boards.

Mr. Runciman, speaking at Reading, criticised the Government’s scheme for the safeguarding of industries, which he described as a new Protection policy.

The Commission on Food Prices heard evidence on behalf of the Scottish master butchers. It was contended that there was no profiteering by the trade in Scotland.