100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 4 September 1924


It is reported in Cairo that Zaghlul Pasha is returning to Egypt on the 22nd inst. without entering into negotiations with the British Premier.

Ramsay MacDonald, the Prime Minister, arrived at Geneva, and will speak in the Assembly of the League of Nations to-day on the problem of security and disarmament.

Georgia and Azerbaijan are reported to have risen against the Soviet forces.

In Morocco the Riffs are attacking vigorously. An official Spanish communiqué admits that several outposts have been taken, and that others were only saved by the brilliant defence of the troops. The Directory in Madrid state that Spain much reply not only from a sense of pride, but for self-preservation. No commentary prejudicial to the troops or the authority of the Government will be tolerated.

Two Federal by-elections in Quebec Province have been won by the Government candidates. The Prime Minister, Mr Mackenzie King, has expressed satisfaction with the results, as an endorsement of the Government’s policy of a moderate tariff.

Mr. SP Gilbert, a former U.S. Treasury official has been appointed Permanent Agent-General for Reparation Payments.

Interviewed by a Press representative, Mr George Terrell, President of the National Union of Manufacturers, said that, without a shadow of doubt, the proposed loan to Germany under the London Pact was detrimental to British manufacturing interests.

That the National Debt formed a dead-weight charge upon industry and reduced the ability of industry to create fresh productive capital was contended by two representatives of the Scottish Trades Union Congress, who appeared as witnesses before the Committee on National Debt and Taxation.