100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 4 February 1925


At a meeting in London the demands by the N.U.R. for wages increases and improved conditions of service were rejected by the railway companies, who submitted proposals for a reduction in wages.

The Dean of Durham, at a debate with a railwayman at Stockton, again defended his declaration that the railway workers’ demands were selfish.

A settlement was reached in the London electricians’ dispute, and the strike notices were withdrawn.

A Command Paper states that any duties proposed for the safeguarding of industries shall be imposed for a limited period and in a Finance Bill in which that period will be prescribed. The procedure to be followed by the Committees into applications is given, and it is stated that no application will be entertained in respect of articles of food and drink.

Receipts from Estate Duty so far point to a surplus over the Budget estimate, in which case Local Authorities will benefit.

A Supplementary Estimate has been issued, which shows that an additional sum of over seven and a half million is required by the various Civil Services before the end of the year.

Our London Correspondent understands that the Cabinet decided to postpone the dispatch of the Debts Note to France in order that it may receive further consideration at another meeting, when the Marquis Curzon is expected to be present.