100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 31 December 1924

31 DECEMBER 1924

The Conference of Ambassadors, at its meeting in Paris today, will have before it the draft of the preliminary Allied Note which it is proposed to address to Germany on the subject of the evacuation of Cologne. The Note will point out that the Allies are not prepared to come to a decision until the full report of the Commission of Control is available, but that in any case, evacuation is impossible on January 10.

Dr. Stresemann, in an interview, gives a denial to the allegation that the Inter-Allied Military Mission of Control met with obstruction during their work of inspection in Germany. In regard to armaments, he contends that Germany is powerless and adds that the Army and police are exactly as provided for by the Treaty.

M. Blum, leader of the French Socialists, disclosed in the Senate debate that in a recent interview between the French Finance Minister and members of the Finance Committee, it was urged that any excess of reparations Britain received over her strict due should be credited to inter-Allied debts. M. Blum added that M. Clementel felt in a position to retain this suggestion in large measure. M. Clementel, though not replying, did not deny the accuracy of the statement.