100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 30 January 1925

30 JANUARY 1925

Mr. Baldwin, speaking at a victory celebration banquet in London, stated that there was an element in the Unionist party who had been content to sit quietly and let others do the work. He emphasised that victory could only be sustained if the party showed itself fully committed to its cause, as eager to expound it as any of its two opponents.

At the first day’s session of the Liberal Convention in London, Mr. Lloyd George declared that Mr. Asquith and he had had no differences of opinion regarding policy, and least of all had they had any personal differences.

By a vote of 541 to 32, the French Chamber decided that M. Herriot’s speech on Wednesday, which outlined the Government’s policy regarding Germany, should be placarded all over France. Before this decision, M. Herriot had to satisfy the Socialists concerning certain passages of the speech, giving a formal assurance that his speech was in absolute conformity with the policy of security and peace he had previously advocated and would continue to practice. A Berlin telegram reported that M. Herriot’s speech had caused a sensation in German political and official circles, where it was described as “aggressive.”

Negotiations for the settlement of the strike of the men in the service of the Office of Works failed.

A statement by the National Allied Building Trades Employers drew attention to the “avowed intention of two of the leading operative unions to secede from the National Wages and Conditions Council, and also from the National Federation of Building Trades Operatives.” The employers viewed the matter seriously, adding that they would require all bodies adherent to the Operatives’ Federation at the time of the settlement last autumn to honour the engagements entered into.