100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 3 September 1924


The Duke and Duchess of York spent a busy afternoon in Glasgow, where they each fulfilled several engagements. Great public interest was taken in the visit, and their Royal Highnesses were everywhere received with much enthusiasm.

Mr Ramsay MacDonald, the Prime Minister, left London for Geneva, where he is to attend the Assembly of the League of Nations.

Mr MacDonald, who had a cordial welcome in France, stated in an interview that the importance of the present Assembly of the League was great, for it was the first time that it had met after a real step had been taken to establish European peace. The road was more clear than ever for a real discussion of armaments and national security.

An official report has now been received regarding the disastrous hurricane which struck the Leeward Islands on the 25th ult. Many lives were lost, and much valuable property was destroyed, especially in Montserrat and Tortola.

General Obregon, in his closing address as President of Mexico, vigorously attacked the policy of Great Britain in connection with the suspension of diplomatic relations and the expulsion of Mr Cummins, the British agent.