NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 3 February 1925
The Greek Note of protest against the expulsion from Constantinople of the Ecumenical Patriarch has been delivered to the Turkish Government. Feeling on the question is intense among the Greek community, by whom the Turkish action is regarded as a breach of faith and a violation of international treaty obligations.
Lord Blanesburgh has been appointed principal British delegate on the Reparation Commission in succession to Lord Bradbury.
An Opposition motion in the French Chamber of Deputies, framed in the interest of the retention of the Embassy to the Vatican, was resisted by M. Herriot, who made the question one of confidence. The motion was rejected by 314 votes to 250.
Mr. Neville Chamberlain, Minister of Health, speaking at Manchester, referred to the gravity of the housing problem. Regarding steel houses, he said that if the public wanted them, it was not going to tolerate obstruction, whatever form it might take, or from whatever quarter it might come.
Sir W. Johnson-Hicks, the Home Secretary, speaking at Deptford, referred to the Communists’ proposals to carry out propaganda in the British fighting forces.
Mr. J. R. Clynes, M.P., speaking at Mitcham, said that British Trade Unionism was required to make a stand against those who were fostering divisions among the rank and file, hoping for complete disruption. Their energies were spent in waving revolutionary banners, and in worshipping the names of Russian leaders. Mr. Clynes said they must emphatically resist the efforts being made to form minority movements within the Trade Union ranks.