NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 29 December 1924
29 DECEMBER 1924
Following the gale and rainstorm of Friday night, great damage has been caused to property in all parts of Scotland by flooded rivers. Countless fields have been inundated, and roads rendered impassable. A shipping disaster is reported from Islay, where a German trawler has been wrecked, with the loss, it is feared, of eleven lives. In England, Wales, and Ireland, extensive flooding took place. The Rhondda and Taff rivers overflowed their banks at several points, causing great damage and heavy destruction. Shipping also suffered severely.
The Conference of Ambassadors has decided to notify Germany by Collective Note that it is impossible to evacuate Cologne on January 10. It is understood that the reasons they will give are the necessity of awaiting the final report of the Control Commission and evidence regarding the non-fulfilment of the disarmament clauses of the Treaty.
The last report which General Nollet made to the Inter-Allied Commission of Military Control shows that the organised forces of Germany are in excess of the number authorised, and that the stipulations regarding the High Command and the reserves have not been observed.
M. Tsankoff, the Bulgarian Prime Minister, after conferring with members of the Jugo-Slavian Government at Belgrade, left for Bukharest. In an interview with Press representatives at Belgrade, he stated that the Balkan States were at present faced by a grave danger from subversive elements, which aimed at the overthrow of the existing social order.
The Congress of the Indian National Liberal Federation at Lucknow has concluded. According to Reuter’s correspondent, the session is generally regarded as showing signs that the party is regaining strength.