NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 27 December 1924
27 DECEMBER 1924
Mr Gandhi, in his presidential address to the Indian National Congress at Belgaum, Bengal, outlined a scheme of Swaraj or Home Rule. He said that the Congress must find a remedy to demonstrate both to the Government and the revolutionaries that there was a more effective force than violence.
The Conference of Ambassadors will meet in Paris to-day to consider the report on the disarmament of Germany, and to determine the procedure to be followed in notifying the Reich that the Cologne zone will not be evacuated on January 10.
According to a Washington telegram, President Coolidge resents recent speeches by M. Jusserand, the French Ambassador, in which he pleaded for leniency for France in regard to payment of her debt to the United States.
A Belgrade telegram states that the Albanian revolution has terminated in a success for the insurgents under Ahmed Beg.
It is reported that negotiations are on foot for a Balkan Triple Alliance (Greece, Jugo- Slavia, and Rumania.)
In the French Chamber, it was stated that a “national carburant” as a substitute for petrol had already reached the stage of practical usefulness. Military vehicles use a mixture of which alcohol forms 50 per cent.
The Canadian Government have issued a new order in regard to freight rates on the Canadian railways.
Through the bursting of a dam in a Virginian town 23 persons were drowned.
Bandits derailed a passenger train in Mexico, killing a woman and six soldier guards.
In an affray at Cologne on Christmas Eve a gunner of the Royal Artillery was stabbed.