NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 23 December 1924
23 DECEMBER 1924
Thomas Johnston, the Socialist candidate in the by-election at Dundee, had a majority of 12,739 over Mr E. D. Simon (Liberal).
In a letter to Mr Austen Chamberlain, M. Rakovsky refers to a statement in the House of Commons by the Home Secretary on December 10 to the effect that proofs of the authenticity of Zinoviev letter cannot be disclosed out of fear for the safety of the person who supplied Britain with the document, and adds that the Soviet Government “is prepared to guarantee the unhindered departure of the above-mentioned person” from its territory.
The Turkish Government has warned the Soviet that if the attempts to renew Communist propaganda activity in Turkey do not cease, they will expel and deport the majority of the Russian officials attached to the Soviet diplomatic and trade missions. The Soviet envoy, Suritz, was informed that the Turkish authorities have at their disposal incontestable evidence of anti-French and anti-British propaganda in Syria and Egypt conducted by Russian agents with headquarters in Constantinople.
The German Government’s Note to the League of Nations on the question of Germany’s admission to the League refers to the dangers with which a disarmed Germany is confronted, and to the difficulties resulting from the disparity in national armaments in Europe.
From Washington it is reported that President Coolidge opposes elevation of ships’ guns, regarding it as futile to spend money on battleships which are likely to be scrapped after twelve years.
Martial law is reported to have been extended to the whole of Albania in consequence of the lack of response to the recent mobilisation order.