100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 21 January 1925

21 JANUARY 1925

The Indian Legislature was opened by Lord Reading, who after dealing with the economic and financial situation of the country and with the programme for the session, defended the special measures taken by him for the suppression of terrorism in Bengal.

It has been found impossible to hold a special meeting of the Imperial Conference in London in March to discuss the Geneva Protocol, and the Colonial Office announces that an endeavour will be made by correspondence to arrive at a common conclusion on the issues involved.

The Russo-Japanese negotiations have been concluded, and a Treaty was to be signed at Peking last night.

In the German Reichstag, Herr Breitscheid, on behalf of the Socialists, attacked the new Government, and his remarks evoked angry protests from members of the Right.

Loud applause greeted an announcement by M. Herriot in the French Chamber that the King of Spain had decided not to prosecute Señor Blasco Ibanez, the novelist.

Viscount Cecil, at a sitting of the Opium Conference at Geneva, withdrew an allegation he had made that the consumption of the drug per capita was greater in America than in India.