100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 20 June 1924

20 JUNE 1924

An official statement of Unionist principles and aims was published, setting forth the attitude of the party on all the great questions calling for solution in the spheres of Imperial, foreign and domestic policy.

The position of British trade was discussed in the House of Commons on a Vote for the Board of Trade. Sidney Webb, the President of the Board, took an optimistic view although David Lloyd George, the former Prime Minister, was no sanguine.

General Nollet, the new French War Minister, said that the country took a grave view of Germany’s military preparations and that it would be an important part of discussions with the British Government.

Ramsay MacDonald, the Prime Minister, made a statement in the House of Commons backing up the action of Mr Cummins, the British representative in Mexico.