100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 2 January 1925

2 JANUARY 1925

Addressing the Diplomatic Corps at a New Year reception in Berlin, Dr Marx regretted that the wishes for the New Year in connection with the London Pact had not materialised. The evacuation of Cologne had not been carried out, for reasons which Germany was unable to recognise, and bitter disappointment was felt by Germans without distinction of party at the injustice.

A friendly British Note in reply to the communication from Washington on the question of America’s participation in reparations collected under the Dawes scheme has been dispatched.

A statement issued by the Post Office says that there was a phenomenal increase this Christmas in the posting of both letters and parcels. The most serious difficulty experienced by the Post Office was due to the abnormal influx of correspondence and parcels on the 23rd and 24th, in spite of the appeals to post early in the week.

Damage estimated at £10,000 was done by a fire at Ashington, Northumberland. Shop premises were destroyed.

The death has occurred of Sir F. Carruthers Gould, the famous political cartoonist.

Notable services in the cause of education and religion are recalled by the sudden death of the Rev. R. C. Strang, who was vice-chairman of the Edinburgh Education Authority.

Giving evidence before the Commission on Food Prices, Sir Leo Chiozza Money urged the establishment of a system of Imperial purchase of supplies as a method of safeguarding the interests of the United Kingdom consumer.