100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 2 February 1925


The greatest indignation has been caused in Greece by the expulsion of the Ecumenical Patriarch from Constantinople. The Greek Government have dispatched a protest to Angora.

A Washington telegram gives extracts from American Press comment on President Coolidge’s reply to M. Emile Daeschner when he presented his letters of credence as French Ambassador. The extracts indicate, says the message, how little sentiment will influence the debt settlement.

A Paris telegram announces the death of the Duc de Gramont.

The funeral of the late Field-Marshal Lord Grenfell was attended by special representatives of the King and other members of the Royal Family. The first portion of the service took place at St. Mary’s Church, Bryanston Square, London, and the interment at Beaconsfield. Full military honours were accorded.

Speaking in Birmingham, Mr Austen Chamberlain, Foreign Secretary, said that Old Europe was consumed in the fires of the Great War, and the New Europe had yet to be built on foundations that might give peace and security to the nations of the world.

Campaigning in the election precipitated in Southern Ireland by the resignation of the M’Grath group of Deputies was begun during the weekend. President Cosgrave, speaking at a Government meeting in College Green, Dublin, met with a good deal of organised interruption. Addressing a Republican meeting in County Roscommon, Mr De Valera said he had nothing to tell them beyond what he told them six years ago on the same platform. There was no use wishing for freedom unless they were prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to attain it.