100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 17 June 1924

17 JUNE 1924

The House of Commons rejected all the Lords’ amendments to the Prevention of Eviction Bill, including one which sought to discriminate in favour of a British subject against an alien landlord or tenant without pro-Ally war service.

Replying to questions in Parliament with regard to the treatment of the British diplomatic agent in Mexico City, the Prime Minister said HM Government regarded the action of the Mexican Government as a grave breach of international courtesy.

The Prime Minister stated in the House of Commons that the Turkish delegate at the Iraq frontier conference having informed the British representative at the last meeting that he was unable to consider His Majesty’s Government’s proposals, Sir Percy Cox had left Constantinople, and no other course remained open to Britain than to submit the matter to the League of Nations under the terms of the Lausanne Treaty.