NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 16 February 1925
16 FEBRUARY 1925
There is fresh talk of a security pact which, beginning with the inclusion of France and Britain and the States on Germany’s frontiers, might be extended to include the Reich itself under pledge of non-aggression and in receipt of a guarantee for the protection of her eastern frontier.
In the House of Commons today there will be a debate on the Government’s policy in regard to the safeguarding of industries.
David Lloyd George, addressing a meeting of the Welsh National Liberal Federation at Newport, Mon., advocated the value of the roll of honour, to which, he said, there was the same glory in giving the mite as in giving a thousand pounds.
Mrs Philip Snowden, on her return from Canada, repeated her conviction that the late Government were the victims of the worst political leadership of modern times. She also criticised the Clyde group of Socialists, in reference to the attack on the vote for the Prince of Wales’s tour.
Me A. J. COOK, general secretary of the Miners’ Federation, speaking at Llanelly, made a violent attack on Mr Frank Hodges.
In the Walsall by-election the three candidates are prepared for great activity in the campaign proper, which begins this week. The Unionist candidate, Mr Preston, has much improved in health.
In the King’s replies to the addresses of Convocation mention is made of the housing problem and the necessity of increasing existing building resources.