NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 14 February 1925
14 FEBRUARY 1925
Sir Kingsley Wood, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health, speaking in the House of Commons on the experiments in steel houses, said that in every contract for these houses there would be a fair wages clause inserted.
French comments on Mr Chamberlain’s statement regarding a security pact express the hope that Britain will be conscious of the realities of the hour. France, it is stated, will not refuse to consider any agreement which offers a guarantee of security.
The Speech from the Throne at the opening of the South African Parliament foreshadowed a heavy legislative programme, including Bills providing for a measure of self-government for South-West Africa, and dealing with South African nationality, electoral reform, and emergency powers Bills, wages regulation Bills, and measures for the control of the diamond trade and the uniform and direct taxation of natives.
The Second Opium Conference discussed and sustained the article of the draft convention which provides that any contracting party may authorise the supply to the public by chemists in urgent cases of tincture of opium, laudanum, and Dover powder.
Viscount Cecil of Chelwood spoke at Bournemouth on the evils of the opium habit, and gave details of the machinery devised at the Geneva Conference to watch and regulate the operation of the factories in which opium and other drugs were manufactured.
Mr Amery, speaking at Birmingham, said the Government appreciated that the nation expected attention to education, health, and every branch of social reform.