NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 12 February 1925
12 FEBRUARY 1925
The Earl of Onslow, replying to a question in the House of Lords regarding the proposed transfer of Swaziland and Bechnanaland to the Union of South Africa, said the Union Government did not intend to ask for the transfer of either territory at present.
The House of Commons adopted a resolution approving the possession by the Home Secretary of full authority to control alien immigration, and deprecating any weakening of the existing regulations, in view of the present shortage of work and of houses in this country.
Sir Laming Worthington-Evans, Secretary for War, addressing the Council of County Territorial Associations, said the Territorial Army would be the sole means of expansion of the Army in time of war, and the Army Council were now considering the preparation of a scheme to be put into operation whenever the need for expansion took place.
Lord Sands, presiding in London at the annual meeting of the Carnegie Trust, reviewed the work of the past year.
Sir Richard Lodge has given to a Scotsman representative his impressions of American University methods and ideals, on his return from a visit to the United States and Canada.
Two new Royal Scottish Academicians, Mr George Houston and Mr Robert Hope, were elected at an Assembly of the Academy.
Abdel Fattah Amayat, a student of the Royal School of Law at Cairo, who with his brother Abdel Hamid, a student teacher, was arrested on the train going from Alexandria to Hamman on January 31, has admitted that he took part in the attack upon the late Sirdar on November 19, and has given the names of the other persons connected with the assassination, including his own brother.