
Lucy Powell – 2024 Speech at Labour Party Conference

The speech made by Lucy Powell, the Leader of the House of Commons, on 22 September 2024.

I’m thrilled to be here speaking as the first Labour Leader of the House of Commons in 15 years.

But what on earth does the Leader actually do apart from carrying swords in Coronations?

My job is two-fold: restore trust and respect in politics, and ensure we deliver our bold and ambitious legislative agenda.

Both are vital and connected and much needed.

Populism and extremism feeds from a belief that nothing ever changes, and that all politicians are the same.

The easy answers, lies and conspiracy theories too readily sought when the status quo fails to change and improve ordinary lives.

Progressive politics needs and must show the opposite.

That politics is a force for good.

That it can bring about change.

That it does work in the interest of the many, not the few.

That democracy, not hate and fear, can deliver change.

And after an era of false promises, misspent hope, money wasted, long-running injustices, denied, broken public services, economic folly which cost us all, a country which doesn’t work, it’s no wonder people have lost hope.

That’s why our drive to a government of service is so important.

Rebuilding trust and delivering what we said we would.

And let’s be honest, Conference, some want to paint a picture that nothing will change, that we are just the same.

I totally refute that.

First, conduct matters.

That’s why one of the first things I did as Leader was to pass a motion to limit MP’s second jobs.

And we will go further.

I’ve set up the House Modernisation Committee to drive up standards, tackle bad culture and make Parliament more effective.

Transparency matters too and it’s not always easy.

But the question is ‘are we delivering on our promises, without fear or favour?’

And judge us by our actions. We are on the side of fans, passengers, consumers, and workers.

This couldn’t be more different from the recent past.

Instead of strengthening the rules for MPs, when one of theirs was found in serious breach for lobbying Tory MPs voted to get him off the hook.

And what about their fast lane for mates, billions of tax-payers cash spent on crony COVID contracts?

And let’s never forget they changed the law so we couldn’t socialise, while secretly partying themselves and then lying to Parliament about it for months.

So, don’t let anyone tell you we are all the same, Conference, because we are not.

The most important thing to rebuild trust, is doing what we said we would, bringing about the real change people voted for.

It sounds basic, but it is the bedrock.

In Parliament that change has begun. I was so proud to be at the heart of shaping our first legislative programme for government in 15 years – a Kings Speech that is bold, big and it’s Labour.

It’s the most ambitious of any new incoming Government for a very long time.

And look what we’ve done already.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act – our first new law – so that Liz Truss can never happen again.

A first Bill to take our railways back into public ownership.

Legislation to set up Great British Energy.

A Bill that puts water bosses on notice to clean up our rivers.

We’ve introduced the renters rights Bill, finally ending no fault evictions.

House of Lords reform.

And conference, we are working at pace to meet our manifesto commitment, to introduce the Employment Rights Bill within 100 days.

All this in a short time, using the Parliamentary majority we all fought so hard for.

That’s what change looks like.

We’ve done more to improve lives in 14 weeks than the Conservatives did in 14 years.

But that’s not all.

Some of the promises we made go deeper. To those who’ve faced injustices and been let down before.

We are determined to show we are different.

It’s why we’ve moved so quickly on the Infected Blood Compensation and Post Office Redress schemes.

And it’s why we’ve introduced Martyn’s Law. A promise we made to Figen Murray, the mother of Martyn Hett, to help keep venues safe.

And Conference, I am so proud that it is our Labour Government that will finally enact Hillsborough Law.

That’s the change a Labour Government brings.

And there’s lots more to come, I can tell you.

That’s what a government of service means.

Power with a purpose, in service of the many, not the few.

Restoring a belief that politics really can change people’s lives.

It’s the only antidote we have to cynicism and populism.

We have a chance now to prove it.

It’s a big responsibility, so let’s get on with it.