Luciana Berger – 2015 Parliamentary Question to the Department of Health
The below Parliamentary question was asked by Luciana Berger on 2015-11-09.
To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how many perinatal mental health admissions there were in 2014-15.
Alistair Burt
The information requested is detailed below. It shows the count of finished admission episodes (FAEs) with a primary diagnosis of a mental health issue associated with the puerperium in 2014-15. This is currently a provisional figure
Activity in English NHS Hospitals and English NHS commissioned activity in the independent sector (provisional)
Year |
Count of FAEs |
2014-15 |
343 |
Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Health and Social Care Information Centre
An FAE is the first period of admitted patient care under one consultant within one healthcare provider. FAEs are counted against the year or month in which the admission episode finishes. Admissions do not represent the number of patients, as a person may have more than one admission within the period.
The data are provisional and may be incomplete or contain errors for which no adjustments have yet been made. Counts produced from provisional data are likely to be lower than those generated for the same period in the final data set. This shortfall will be most pronounced in the final month of the latest period, ie November from the (month 9) April to November extract. It is also probable that clinical data are not complete, which may in particular affect the last two months of any given period. There may also be errors due to coding inconsistencies that have not yet been investigated and corrected.