
Lord West of Spithead – 2015 Parliamentary Question to the Home Office

The below Parliamentary question was asked by Lord West of Spithead on 2015-10-29.

To ask Her Majesty’s Government  how many police Counter Terrorism Security Advisers were employed in England and Wales in (1) April 2010, and (2) April 2015.

Lord Bates

Advice and guidance on protective security and preparedness to terrorist threats is provided by specialist Counter-Terrorism Security Advisors (CTSAs) who operate in every police region.

The number of CTSAs in post in England and Wales in April 2010 was 191. The number in post in England and Wales in April 2015 was 146 (this figure includes 4 Counter Terrorism Awareness Advisers dedicated towards the provision of CT awareness advice).

Government aims to have 171 staff in post by the end of 2016/17 (145 CTSAs and 26 CTAAs). These planned changes to resource are for the effective and efficient delivery of future advice and guidance, whilst ensuring they maintain their fundamental role as part of wider police capabilities to safeguard the security of the public.