
John Healey – 2024 Statement on the Armed Forces Review

The statement made by John Healey, the Secretary of State for Defence, on 16 July 2024.

At the start of a new era for Britain, we need a new era for defence. Hollowed-out armed forces, procurement waste and neglected morale cannot continue. Meanwhile, we need to be clear eyed about the threats we face, with the world becoming more volatile and technology changing the nature of warfare.

In response, our armed forces need to be better ready to fight, more integrated and more innovative. We need clearer accountability, faster delivery, less waste and better value for money.

The Review will ensure that Defence is central to the future security of Britain and to its economic growth and prosperity.

This new era requires a new type of review that moves at pace. The Prime Minister and I will therefore draw on both external military, industrial and foreign policy experts, and those from inside Government, to help set the path for Britain’s defence for the next decade. Together, we will make Britain secure at home and strong abroad.