Press Releases

HISTORIC PRESS RELEASE : Andrew Smith sets out priorities for 2002 Spending Review [June 2001]

The press release issued by HM Treasury on 25 June 2001.

The Government’s commitments to delivering high quality public services, making further inroads into tackling child poverty, and boosting productivity, were highlighted today by the Chief Secretary Andrew Smith as he set out the framework and cross cutting reviews that will make up the 2002 Spending Review. In answer to a written Parliamentary Question from Jackie Lawrence MP he announced seven initial cross cutting reviews covering:

  • Children at risk
  • the public sector labour market
  • improving the public space
  • health inequalities
  • science and research
  • services for small business; and
  • the role of the voluntary sector

He has also written to Cabinet colleagues setting out the priorities for the 2002 Spending Review:

  • Delivery of high quality, efficient and responsive public services;
  • Raising productivity, in the public sector and outside, through improved skills, research and infrastructure;
  • Spreading opportunity and prosperity more widely, and tackling child poverty and social exclusion;
  • Improving the quality of life in both urban and rural areas; and
  • Securing a modern international role for Britain through co-operation with our European and international partners.

Mr Smith said:

“Delivery of improved public services is the priority for this Government.  Gordon Brown’s spending committee PSX will be looking closely, in the coming months, at the evidence on the effectiveness of existing programmes and, in particular, at how Departments are delivering their current Public Service Agreement targets, alongside discussion of Department’s future strategic priorities. Where the evidence to date is of unsatisfactory performance, and a failure to stay on track to meet PSA targets, we will need a clear diagnosis of the problem and a clear path for reform and management change.

Where new spending is proposed, we will expect to see stretching targets and clear plans for effective delivery of results.”

PSX, supported by the Treasury and the new Delivery Unit in the Cabinet Office, will start a series of meetings in July to look at specific delivery issues. This process will run through the autumn when PSX will be discussing forward strategy with Departments alongside performance to date against PSA targets.

The Spending Review will take a thorough look at all programmes to ensure that the new plans fully reflect the Government’s priorities and the scope for greater efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.