Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Labour again blocks chance for Welsh Covid justice [November 2022]

The press release issued by the Welsh Office on 30 November 2022.

Today, the Labour Government blocked a Welsh Conservative-led attempt to create a special Senedd committee to investigate areas of the Labour Government’s response to the pandemic that is not covered in the UK-wide inquiry.

Commenting, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister, Russell George MS said:

“It is incredible that Labour has again blocked attempts to impose scrutiny and accountability on them by blocking the formation of this committee.

“We have always maintained that a Wales-specific Covid inquiry is the best way to scrutinise ministers on their decision-making without being overshadowed by events in England, but if they were to continue blocking one, maybe they would, at least, agree to this committee that fills the gaps the UK-wide inquiry would inevitably leave.

“This may well go down as the most shameful day in the history of the Labour Government in Cardiff Bay’s history – and they already have a great deal to be ashamed of.

“This includes actions that to Wales having the highest Covid death-rate of UK nations, Wales having a higher hospitalisation rate than England, and the imposition of scientifically baseless vaccine passports and Omicron restrictions on Wales.”

Mr George read out a statement on behalf of the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice Group Cymru in the debate that said:

“We welcome this action by opposition parties. The Welsh Government has had every opportunity to hold a Wales specific Covid inquiry but has chosen not to. The First Minister assured us that Wales being in the UK Inquiry was the right thing despite devolved decision-making. However, the UK Inquiry cannot cover the issues in Wales in detail and in the way that he said he wanted. All we have ever wanted is what went wrong for our loved ones to be acknowledged and for lessons to be learned. Our concerns about the UK Inquiry are coming true and the First Minister has not challenged this. Ultimately, we deserve a Wales specific judge-led inquiry. Sadly, we’ve been denied this in Wales, therefore this committee will at least help ensure some detailed scrutiny of Wales that the UK Inquiry will not cover.”