Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Colm Gildernew deeply concerned ambulances and crews are tied up outside hospitals [November 2022]

The press release issued by Sinn Fein on 20 November 2022.

Sinn Féin MLA Colm Gildernew has said reports that over 30% of ambulance cover in some areas is being tied up waiting to get patients into hospitals is deeply concerning.

Responding to reports in a TV report with ambulance workers, the party’s health spokesperson said:

“I am deeply concerned at reports that over one third of ambulance cover in some areas is tied up with patients waiting hours to get into hospitals.

“Sometimes this can last for the duration of an ambulance crew’s shift, meaning that people who urgently need ambulances are struggling to get one.

“Sadly, this is the reality of the huge pressures facing workers and patients in our hospitals on a daily basis. They are literally at crisis point.

“Our health service is crying out for an Executive and a health minister in place so that we can take real decisions to relieve the challenges facing health and social workers.

“Sinn Féin is ready to form an Executive now to work together with others to invest in the health service, to hire more doctors and nurses and tackle chronic waiting lists.

“I would urge the DUP to end its boycott now, get back to work and make health a priority. Our health workers need help now.”