100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 15 July 1924

15 JULY 1924

The House of Commons discussed the London Conference and the Dawes Report on the Foreign Office Vote, the Premier defending the agreement arrived at with France as the result of his Paris visit.

Questioned in the House of Lords by the Marquis of Linlithgow, the First Lord of the Admiralty stated that there had been no change in the policy of the Government with regard to Singapore naval base.

The Prince of Wales opened at Wembley the International Advertising Convention, which is attended by more than 5,000 delegates representing the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World. His Royal Highness said that the general aim of advertising was to provide throughout the world a more extended market, the attainment of a lower cost of distribution of commodities, and elimination of economic waste. The result, in the elimination of waste, would undoubtedly be found in a lower cost of production, and in the consequent reduction of prices and unemployment. If they were to solve some of the social and economic problems with which the world was faced, “The Future of Advertising,” was, said Sir Charles Higham in a paper, “today more necessary and valuable as the modern newspaper or periodical.”

Burgomaster Adolphe Max, of Brussels, received the freedom of Edinburgh in the Usher Hall. He was afterwards entertained at a luncheon in the City Chambers, and replying to the toast of his health, commented on the similarity in characteristics and antecedents of the Scots and Belgians, and the good relations which existed between the two countries.

The rebels at Sao Paulo, Brazil, are stated to number 15,000, and it is reported that they are preparing to march on Rio de Janeiro.