
Praful Nargund – 2024 Comments on Labour Losing Islington North

The comments made by Praful Nargund, the Labour Party candidate in Islington North, on 5 July 2024.

While it wasn’t the result we hoped for, I’d like to thank every resident of Islington North who cast their vote for me. That was a huge act of faith in me, and I’ll always be grateful.

To each and every person who knocked on doors, stuffed envelopes, delivered leaflets, or helped out in the office – thank you. Your humour, kindness, and energy meant more to me than I can put into words.

I’m proud to have run a genuinely positive campaign, one that has been full of joy, smiles and hope for a better future for Islington North, and for our country. Of course there were tough times, and I would be lying if I said it was easy to hear and read things about me in this campaign that simply weren’t true. Sadly these sort of tactics are rapidly becoming a regular part of our politics now – and that can’t be good.

But today, Britain has voted for change. I’m incredibly proud to have stood on behalf of changed Labour party that now has the opportunity to serve in government. Thank you.