100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 1 June 1924

1 JUNE 1924

Stanley Baldwin, the former Prime Minister, speaking to his constituents in Worcester said:

“If I gauge the feeling of people rightly, there has been underlying, subconsciously, perhaps, a very strong feeling throughout the electorate, not only here, but also on the Continent, that the war would have been fought in vain if something was not to come out of it that would lead to better circumstances and to a better environment for the working masses of the peoples of the world. As a result of that feeling there came swiftly into their minds a reaction against any Government that might be in power. It is perfectly obvious that no Government can bring the people all they desire. Their desires are largely inarticulate, but they do want to see things different, and they call on fresh Governnments in the hope that they may find in them what they want.”

Railway shopmen employed on the London Electric and Great Northern Railways are threatening to come out on strike later on in the week.