
Greg Mulholland – 2016 Parliamentary Question to the Department for Education

The below Parliamentary question was asked by Greg Mulholland on 2016-09-02.

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if she will provide a regional breakdown of her Department’s spending on schools since 2010.

Nick Gibb

The main revenue funding allocations from this department to schools and local authorities comprise the dedicated schools grant (DSG), pupil premium, education services grant (ESG), universal infant free school meals (UIFSM), PE & Sport premium and Year 7 catch-up grant.

Details of these allocations to all schools or local authorities for financial or academic years 2010 to 2017 (dependent on each grant), can be found at the links below:

2010-11 data:

2011-12 data:

2012-13 data:

2013-14 data:

2014-15 data:

2015-16 data:

2016-17 data (for those that are available):

Capital allocations for devolved grants allocated to local authorities from the financial year 2011/12 to present are provided below.

In addition to these allocations the Department for Education has the following nation-wide programmes for which we do not publish regional spend figures:

  • Building Schools For The Future

  • 71 Academies

  • Framework Academies

  • Multi Academy Trust School Condition Allocation

  • Condition Improvement Fund

  • Free Schools/ University Technical Colleges and Studio Schools

  • Priority School Building Programme 1

  • Priority School Building Programme 2

Basic Need & TBN

Allocation data for all LAs from 11/12 onwards can be found here:



Allocation data for all LAs from 11/12 onwards can be found here:






